How To Germinate Cannabis Seedlings

How To Germinate Cannabis Seedlings 

Germinating seeds is a crucial initial phase in the life cycle of plants – it kicks off the commencement of the cannabis plant’s growth journey. 

In cultivation practices, germination is a significant part of the process that kickstarts and transforms a dormant seed into a vigorous and thriving plant that is full of therapeutic benefits. 

Growers can also optimize these germination methods by controlling environmental conditions from indoor grow rooms to regulate robust health and the potential of each seedling. 

In this article, we’re discussing how to germinate cannabis seedlings and the many reasons these best practices are used for a more rich, potent, and quality cannabis flower result.

Defining Seed Germination

Cannabis seed germination is the primary step in successful cultivation and high yields. This process lays out the groundwork for sturdy and thriving plants. Without a successful and comfortable environment for your seedlings to begin sprouting, the rest of the cultivation process can be in jeopardy. 

The process of germinating cannabis seeds is triggered by the right combination of moisture, warmth, and oxygen – prompting the seed to absorb water and swell, while cracking its protective shell and allowing the emerging root (radicle) and shoot (hypocotyl) to embark on their outward journey.

This initial process of germinating cannabis seedlings paves the way for increased yields, potency, and overall quality – reinstating its pivotal role in the art and science of cannabis cultivation.

What are the different types of cannabis seeds? 

For cannabis seeds to germinate, there are three important elements needed: dark light, air, and water. Cannabis seedlings will need a dark and damp place to sprout in order. 

Ideally, even though the light isn’t specifically needed for cannabis seedlings to sprout, they require a light cycle as seedlings to properly receive the light and photosynthesis needed to thrive. 

No matter if you’re a large-scale cannabis cultivator or home grower, different cannabis seeds can be germinated – and it’s important you know the difference between each type.

Auto-Flowering Cannabis Seeds

This type of cannabis seed is most often recommended for beginners. While they’re not particularly the easiest to germinate, they are much easier to grow after the seedlings sprout. Auto-flowering cannabis seeds don’t require any manual manipulation or altering of light, such as specified light timing or hourly cycles. 

Instead, auto-flowering cannabis seeds are genetically produced to automatically flower and grow, faster than photoperiod seeds, and advance quicker than a traditional photoperiod seed would. It allows you to have full control and customization over your cannabis seedlings. 

Feminized Cannabis Seeds 

As you may know, male cannabis plants don’t grow flowering buds, female cannabis plants do. That’s why feminized seeds are wildly sought by a wide range of cultivators, to guarantee a female cannabis plant is growing and will produce all the resinous buds to be smoked or consumed for effects. 

Male cannabis plants do not produce the infamous bud we all know and love from cannabis. Instead, it produces plant sacs and seeds for further breeding and germination. 

By choosing feminized seeds, not only are you avoiding wasting 50% of your cultivation time, space, and efforts on male plants (that can potentially pollinate your female plants), but you’re choosing to efficiently and accurate produce your desired cannabis plant. 

Regular vs. Photoperiod Seeds 

If you’re looking for the most natural and traditional experience with germinating cannabis seeds, choose photoperiod seeds. 

However, because of its traditional history and method of germinating – this cannabis seed type is most successful when grown indoors. If grown indoors, it will require cultivators to switch from a light cycle of 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness to initiate the flowering stage.

On the other hand, germinating regular cannabis seeds is also quite simple. They’re hardier and can tolerate climate and stress better than other forms of cannabis seeds, but give exponential growth and hardier tolerance to climate and external stress factors.

How to Germinate Seeds: Paper Towel Method 

First and foremost, germinating cannabis seeds is a crucial first step in the process of growing healthy plants. 

Here’s what you’ll need for cannabis seed germination: 

  • Cannabis seeds

  • Paper towels or coffee filters

  • Clean, shallow dish or plate

  • Sealable plastic bag or airtight container

  • Distilled or filtered water

  • Warm, dark, and quiet space

  • Tweezers (optional)

Prepare your workspace:

Ensure your workspace is thoroughly clean and organized. To germinate cannabis seeds, you’ll need to work in a warm and dark area where you can maintain a stable environment for the seeds to germinate.

Gather your seeds:

To increase the chances of successful germination, choose and shop high-quality cannabis seeds from a reputable and trusted source.

Pre-soaking seeds (optional):

Some growers prefer pre-soaking seeds in water for a few hours or overnight before germination. This can help soften the seed coat and promote quicker germination. However, this step is optional.

Preparing the germination medium:

Take a paper towel or coffee filter and moisten it with distilled or filtered water. Have it be damp but not soaking wet. Next, place the moistened paper towel or coffee filter on a clean, shallow dish or plate.

Planting the seeds:

Place the seeds on one half of the damp paper towel or coffee filter, spacing them out a few inches apart. Fold the other half of the towel over the seeds gently, covering them completely. If using a coffee filter, you can place another moistened coffee filter on top of the seeds.

Create a packet for seeds:

Transfer the paper towel with the seeds to a sealable plastic bag or airtight container. Seal the bag or container, creating a humid microenvironment for germination.

Incubating the seeds: 

Place the sealed plastic bag or container in a warm, dark, and quiet place (around 70-85°F or 21-29°C). This replicates the comfortable conditions needed for germination.

Monitor, assess, and wait: 

Check the seeds routinely for signs of germination. Within a few days, you should see small white taproots emerging from the seeds. Some seeds might take longer, so don’t worry, and be patient! 

Transplanting germinated seeds:

Once the taproot is about a ¼ to ½ inch long (6-13 mm), it's time to transplant the germinated seeds into your chosen growing medium (such as soil or hydroponic setup).

Planting your cannabis seedlings:

Create a small hole in the growing medium, (about ¼ to ½ inch deep), use tweezers or your fingers to gently place the germinated seed in the hole, and taproot down. Cover the seed lightly with soil, ensuring it's not buried too deep.

Provide light:

To encourage healthy growth, place the planted seeds under a gentle light source, like a fluorescent or LED grow light.


Once your germinated cannabis seedlings have sprouted, water the newly planted seeds gently, keeping the growing medium moist but not overly wet.

Remember, each cannabis strain might have slightly different germination requirements. Tailor your process based on the specific strain's guidelines if available. Good luck with your cannabis-growing journey!

Germinating Cannabis Seeds in Soil 

If you’re looking to germinate cannabis seeds directly in the soil, consider these tips: 

  1. Prepare the soil for germination

  2. Water the soil and place seeds on top, cover the seed with soil and press gently down 

  3. Cover the soil using a clear plastic to cover the seeds, so you can easily check-in and assess. Poke small holes in the soil to allow for airflow.  

  4. Place the container in an area with a stable temperature and a cool and dark place. 

  5. Once you see cannabis seedlings sprouting, slowly remove the plastic to allow your plants to breathe. 

  6. You can then plant the sprouted seeds in their final growing medium. 

  7. Cannabis germinating tip: don’t put excessive water in your soil as that could hinder your seeds’ growth and even kill some of them.

Learn How to Germinate & Clone Cannabis with Santa Cruz Naturals 

While many cultivators or home growers seek to learn the many alternatives of how to germinate cannabis seedlings, it’s not the only option! 

Cutting and propagating cannabis clones is another way to replicate and germinate cannabis plants. If there are specific effects, flavor profiles, or cultivars that a grower is looking to create, cannabis cloning is a guaranteed way to replicate already desired results from the plant. Cannabis clones are created from genetically identical cannabis plants produced by cutting the healthy parts of cannabis. To learn more about the proper care and cultivation of cannabis clones, visit our educational blog on caring for cannabis clones. 

Be sure to stop by our Aptos and Watsonville locations to grab our fresh supply of clones, teens and seedlings!

Colin Disheroon