El Blunto "cannagars"

As the cannabis industry continues to transcend stigma with the help of increased legalization, more companies are entering the market. And many of these start-ups vary from what most people would traditionally consider a cannabis company (sorry, but most folks think tie dye and tassels when it comes to cannabis) to new entrants that are transforming these musings to something much more luxe. One such entrant, El Blunto, is turning tradition on its side with the introduction of ‘cannagars.’ These cigar-like blunts are filled with cannabis flower and wrapped in hemp -- all while being completely tobacco-free. From the quality flower, the lush material, and unique presentation, it makes sense that El Blunto has been coined the ‘Cuban of Cannabis’.

Over the past year, El Blunto rolled out (pardon the pun, we couldn’t help ourselves) their ‘cannagars’ to over 350 dispensaries across California. El Blunto ‘cannagars’ come in 7 flavors and, so far, our customers are loving their Cuban cannabis experience.

Colin Disheroon